Adress Lookup
Endpoint designed to request the details of an Ethereum public address; this is a helper function for us to view details for our Zelf Wallet Address.
API Endpoint: GET
This endpoint retrieves the Ethereum account information, including balance, token holdings, and recent transactions for a specific Ethereum address.
Query Parameters:
The Ethereum address for which you want to retrieve details.
Example Request:
Bearer token for authentication.
Example Header:
The response will contain detailed information about the Ethereum address, including the address owner's full name, ETH balance, token holdings (ERC-20 and NFTs), and the last few transactions.
Fields in the Response:
data (Object): Contains the account details.
address (String): The Ethereum address.
fullName (String): The ENS or name associated with the address (if available).
balance (String): The ETH balance in the account.
account (Object): Details about the ETH account.
asset (String): The asset, typically "ETH".
fiatValue (String): The current fiat value of the total ETH balance.
price (String): The current price of ETH in USD.
tokenHoldings (Object): Information about the ERC-20 tokens held by the address.
tokensContras (Object): Summary of the token holdings.
balance (String): The total token balance.
tokenTotal (String): The total number of distinct tokens held.
tokens (Array of Objects): A list of ERC-20 tokens held by the address.
tokenType (String): The type of token (e.g., "ERC-20").
name (String): The name of the token.
symbol (String): The symbol of the token (e.g., "USDC").
amount (String): The amount of the token held.
price (String, Optional): The current price of the token in USD (if available).
address (String): The contract address of the token.
image (String): URL to the token's image.
transactions (Array of Objects): List of recent transactions.
hash (String): Transaction hash.
method (String): The method used in the transaction (e.g., "Transfer").
block (String): The block number where the transaction was confirmed.
age (String): Time since the transaction occurred.
from (String): The address from which the transaction originated.
traffic (String): Traffic direction ("IN" or "OUT").
to (String): The address to which the transaction was sent.
fiatAmount (String): The value of the transaction in USD.
amount (String): The amount of ETH transferred.
asset (String): The asset involved in the transaction (typically "ETH").
txnFee (String): The transaction fee paid for the transfer.
Example Response:
The API returns both ERC-20 tokens and NFTs associated with the address.
Each transaction provides details such as the method used (e.g., "Transfer") and the direction of traffic (whether it is incoming or outgoing).
Last updated
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