Gas Tracker
Here is the documentation for the Ethereum gas price tracker endpoint based on the provided information:
API Endpoint: GET /api/ethereum/gas-tracker
GET /api/ethereum/gas-tracker
This endpoint provides gas prices on the Ethereum blockchain, including low, average, and high gas fee estimates, as well as the gas fees for specific actions like swaps, NFT sales, bridging, and borrowing.
Base URL:
Query Parameters:
None required.
Example Request:
Bearer token for authentication.
Example Header:
The response will contain information about gas price estimates in Gwei for low, average, and high gas fees. Additionally, it includes the cost of featured actions like swaps and NFT sales.
Fields in the Response:
data (Object): Contains the gas price details.
low (Object): Information about the low gas price estimate.
gwei (String): The gas price in Gwei.
base (String): The base gas price in Gwei.
Priority (String): Priority fee in Gwei (for miner tips).
cost (String): The total cost of the transaction in USD.
time (String): Estimated time for transaction confirmation.
average (Object): Information about the average gas price estimate.
gwei (String): The gas price in Gwei.
base (String): The base gas price in Gwei.
Priority (String): Priority fee in Gwei (for miner tips).
cost (String): The total cost of the transaction in USD.
time (String): Estimated time for transaction confirmation.
high (Object): Information about the high gas price estimate.
gwei (String): The gas price in Gwei.
base (String): The base gas price in Gwei.
Priority (String): Priority fee in Gwei (for miner tips).
cost (String): The total cost of the transaction in USD.
time (String): Estimated time for transaction confirmation.
featuredActions (Array of Objects): Gas price estimates for specific actions.
action (String): The name of the action (e.g., "Swap", "NFT Sale").
low (String): Low gas price estimate in Gwei.
average (String): Average gas price estimate in Gwei.
high (String): High gas price estimate in Gwei.
Example Response
Status Codes:
Successful retrieval of data
Unauthorized (invalid or missing token)
Internal server error
The response includes gas price estimates for both general Ethereum transactions and specific actions such as swapping tokens or NFT sales.
The gas price data is in Gwei, and costs are provided in USD.
Last updated
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